wow! we are in the mist of a teething little girl! do i know?...
A)something very sharp lying right under the gums...cant see much...but you sure can feel it!
B)serious crankiness (as shown by the 30 minutes i just spent with a screaming baby...who could not even be soothed with nursing!)
C)runny nose (i think this is a sign??)
D)major drooling!
E)green poops (and no she is not even close to eating enough food for her poops to change)
F)mommy being turned into a human teether!
ok mom blog followers....since i now know its coming...any advice for nursing a baby/toddler with teeth!!??
11 years ago
When mine had some teeth he bit down a few times but each time I said no that hurts, got onto him (because he was laughing thinking it was a game), but what worked was I took away the option to nurse for a few minutes and tried again. If he tried to bite again I just took it away again. Other than that it wasn't bad at the first teething because they aren't supposed to be using their gums anyway.
Hylands Teething Tablets have been a life saver for Stella. These calm her pain almost instantly! Other than that, I just do what I can to take her mind off of it and soothe her. Sounds like you're both doing a great job helping those teeth along!
The day that Ethan got his first tooth, he bit down so hard that he drew blood while he was nursing. Unfortunately, that was the last day I nursed. Thankfully that wasn't until he was almost 10 months old.
I've heard frozen wash cloth before nursing so their gums are numb and they won't want to bite down on you
When she bites break her latch and tell her no. It might make her mad, but if you don't stop it immediately it will just get much worse.
Try orajel and teething tablets. You also might want to try motrin or tylenol. Try both- I know you don't want to give her anything, I was like that with Jameson, but it is better than having her in pain.
frozen wet washcloths, chamomile teething tablets, and patience! :)
...they say that, um, time at Nan-Nan's house would take her mind off teething...yeah, that's what they say...pretty sure I read that on Snopes or somewhere...maybe Wiki...I'm just sayin'...
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