So this summer we were taking 2 VERY long road trips in May one was 7 hours and one was 16 hours! It got us thinking about the fact that because we want 3 kiddos we knew soooome day will will have to jump on the 'mini van' wagon so why not go ahead and get one before our road trips (other wise we would have to rent a van because Heather would be travailing with us and Heather affectionately called our car the 'clown car'....yeah it was REALLY small). So in March we put our car on craigs list, months went by and we had NO interest! So jakes dad rented a car for all of us and we moved on with our trips. We got home and jake kept it on craigs list on and off, but since no one ever called on it, i completely forgot we were even 'trying' to sell it! Then the night before labor day a lady emailed jake wanting to see it!! Jake spent 3 hours the next morning cleaning it up for her while i scowered the internet for vans...but she NEVER showed!! Then just a few days later another man called and came to see it...he loved it...but didn't offer us a very good price so we turned him down (we weren't even REALLY trying to sell the car anyway;) then that night another family came to see it!! SO weird right!! 6 months on and off craigs list with no interest then 3 people in one week!! Anyway, they loved it and made us a great offer so jake met him at his bank the next day (yesterday) and BOOM my car was sold!! Well thankfully I have always kept a 'cars' savings account through ING and had been saving for this 'someday' van for quite a while (that's obviously savings that is on top off the money we would get from our payed off car)... so of course my late afternoon was searching all over auto trader and Craigs list...i found 3 i seemed to like, 2 at one place in south Dallas and one RIGHT down the road at David McDavid Honda (a HUGE dealership here in the area). So around 4:30 yesterday afternoon we head down, though Dallas traffic to see these 2 vans that were in our price range that were AWFUL!! grr i was pretty discouraged and by this point it was getting late. But we go see the one at the dealership and it was AMAZING!!! we probably played the 'game' all wrong...even piper during the test drive was saying "Mommy my like it! can we take it home!?". So after the test drive and the back and forth game to get the 'right price', and the explaining to about 8 people 'no, we do not want to finance, thank you' (ugggg i HATE it!) and one LARGE personal check later...we are officially a mini van family!!!
i told all we have to do is fill it up;)
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